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canada goose coats on sale A KIND of genetically modified maize has been canada goose outlet uk sale linked to tumours in rats. A team of French researchers found that rats fed for a year on GMO maize NK 603 (of which Monsanto owns the patent) were two or three times more likely to develop tumours than ones fed ordinary maize. At the end canada goose premium outlet of their lives, aged two, 50 80% canada goose jacket outlet toronto of female rats had tumours, compared to 30% of ones eating non GM food. Tumours also tended to develop earlier in their lives than in the other animals, especially in males. The scientist leading the study, Prof Gilles Eric Sralini of the Universit de Caen, said: “After less than a year of different GMO maize menus there was carnage among our rats to a degree I had not imagined.” From just the fourth month tumours were found in two male rats that soon grew to measure a quarter of their body weight, he said. canada goose outlet store uk The results give reason to think there may be risks for humans, Prof Sralini believes. He has an anti GMO book coming out next week calledTous Cobayes! The results are published in an American journal,Food and Chemical Toxicology. Le Nouvel Observateur, which was the first to publicise the results in France, under the headline “Yes, GMOs are poisons!”, predicted the findings would be a “bomb” for the GM canada goose factory outlet foods industry. canada goose coats on sale
Target:FDA Commissioner Margaret A. HamburgAs Monsanto prepares canada goose jacket uk to unleash its latest Genetically Modified (GM) corn supercrop, the International Journal of Biological Sciences has revealed the true cost of these crops.
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cheap Canada Goose The study focused on three GM corn crops Mon 863, Mon 801 and NK 603 andfound that they caused statistically significant rates of kidney and liver malfunction, as well as some heart, adrenal, spleen and blood damage in rats. and many countries in Europe without proper research into their affect on human health. GM technology inserts non food genes into the DNA of food, sometimes making the crop more resilient to herbicides and other times causing them to produce toxic proteins that act as pesticides themselves. This process changes the structure of the food drasticcally and presents humans with substances that have never been a part of the human or animal diet. cheap Canada Goose
The GMO modified seeds and resulting crops cannot be called foods fit for human consumption. Nor would you want to feed it to animals or pets. Check the ingredients on canada goose outlet uk your pet foods and you will see a large portion of the ingredients may be corn.
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