University of Ribeirão Preto make reading incentive campaign


Idea came through the interest in reading books that were not available in the university library. (Photo: Guilherme Galdino)


A group of university students Center of the University Barão of Mauá, in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, created the library itinerary “A book by another”. The idea, in addition to encouraging reading, contributes to learning to help others. Tiago Luque and Jessica da Silva, students of Marketing and one of the creators, highlighted the importance and purpose of reading project for the life of a person.

“Reading is fundamental in the intellectual formation and development of the imagination. We intend to bring together students, teachers, parents and co-workers, and generate discussions on the topics covered in the books,” said Jessica.

On the other hand, with advances in technology, people are increasingly looking to digital reading. But Luque, there are still those who prefer to have a book in hand, feel the “smell” of the page, to be in contact with the material of history.

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“As much as digital media is increasingly present in our daily lives, there are still many people who prefer to have a book in hand. Power collecting issues and take pleasure in skipping a page. This project [of Itinerária Library] will contribute to this cycle continues, arousing interest and interactivity within the college, “said Luque.

With two weeks of activities, the project surpassed the numbers expected by the creators. At first, Jessica and James sought room to room of books to make the first exchanges, and today the library has more than 70 works, such as Luque says.

“So far managed to raise about 100 books on various topics, ranging from fashion to academic content,” he says.

In order to promote the habit of reading, Jessica talks about the search for the source of knowledge and expects the interest in books is constant.

“And expectation is that interest in this habit is constant, because reading is a great source of knowledge,” concludes Jessica.

If there is any book that interests you, removes you can withdraw as long as another put in place, explains Jessica.

“So the shelf will always be with new features, giving the opportunity for that book that’s aside from home, be interesting to someone else,” he says.

To participate in the project is very simple. You simply choose a book at the booth made available in the university center and letting others. The library is opened to be visited whenever interest.

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